Lighthouse Baptist Church Ministries

Our goal at Lighthouse is to provide ministries that enable each individual to find community and growth for their life.  The material covered by each group is both biblical and applicable.  Look through our list of adult, youth, and children's ministries.  Discover the group that is right for you and your family.




We provide a bible study on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM. Join us as we study God's Word together. Together we will discover the truths that God's Word provides for our lives.

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TNT (Teens in Truth) Youth Group
TNT Youth Group meets every Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM
This class is for age 12 - 19



At Lighthouse we want you to be able to enjoy each and every service. Part of that is having a safe place for your children so you know they are being taken care of. We have a fully staffed nursery that is provided every service. The nursery is available for children 0 to 2 years old. Our nursery is loaded with toys, books, and other fun things for your children to do while you enjoy the service.


Children's Church

LBC Kidz is designed for For children ages 3-12. We split the kids up into 3 different classes Beginner Class: Preschool & Kindergarten, Primary Class: 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade, and the Junior Class: 4th, 5th & 6th Grade. Once in their class they will sing songs, hear a bible story, and do fun activities and crafts.

Everyone starts out in the main service until the children are dismissed for class. Right before the offering, we have a kids parade. All of our children's church teachers meet in the middle isle. The children are then encouraged to find their teacher, we pray, and the children are then dismissed to go to their class.

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Patch the Pirate Club

Patch the Pirate is a class where children sing, memorize scripture, act out skits and are taught God's word.
They meet every Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM